Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Why I don't "give" easy grades

"The 2018 Strada-Gallup survey reports that college grads who 'strongly agree' they were challenged academically are 2.4 times more likely to say their degree was worth the cost."  https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-majoring-in-english-worth-it-11568068987

What a college to attend!

"Despite what you might be thinking now or what you will be thinking at the end of orientation, we do not have a lot of rules here. Be honorable and be a gentleman. In being honorable, you exhibit trust in your classmates and in your professors and in the community at large. In being a gentleman, which is to say being chivalrous, courteous, and empathetic, you show the people around you that they have worth and that you are aware of it. ... if you are going to join us, there are a couple things I want you to know. The tribulations of a wicked society stop at the gates. There is no place in the world like this College, where we take each other at each other’s word, where we are all our brother’s keeper, where we can be idealists... Many of us are here because we believe in lauded things long forgotten and long forsaken by the world...By signing the Honor Code tonight and in so doing agreeing to the rules by which we live, you are deciding to change yourself and deciding to change the way you live." From John Pittman's address to the class of 2020 at Hampden-Sydney College. John Pittman is the Student Court Chairman at the Collage.

My Alma Mater exemplifies liberal education.

Monday, September 9, 2019